The Spirit of the Butterfly (Mimikej) Drum
Marcus Gosse
Acrylic on moosehide drum
14" diameter
This acrylic on Moosehide drum titled “The Spirit of the Butterfly (Mimikej) Drum” displays the spirit of the butterfly through the Mi’kmaq Stars and the double curve designs.
The Mi’kmaq Star is an ancient petroglyph(carving in stone) which displays ‘Mi’kmaq Pride’ and unity amongst all the cultures of the world through the medicine wheel colours.
In Mi’kmaq Culture and Art, the double curve patterns display the life cycle of a person or living thing. They also resemble an ancient Mi’kmaq canoe to show we are all on a spiritual journey. However, when these curves are connected, they resemble people holding hands to display community and cultural connectedness. They also represent the culture and community embracing all livings things such as the Mimikej. These curves show that all living things are connected. The butterflies spirit shows us that even though we are on our own spiritual journey, we are never alone because we have our friends, family, culture and community here to support us. Msit No’kmaq(All My Relations-We Are All Connected).