The Humility Drum
Marcus Gosse
Acrylic on deer hide drum
13" in diameter
The meaning behind this hand drum titled "The Humility Drum"(Blue Jay) is that although the Blue Jay is a very vibrant and boldy-coloured bird, it also shows humbleness and meekness within its natural surroundings. In many indigenous beliefs, it is believed that the Blue Jay carries messages from the spirit world, communicating wisdom, guidance, or warnings to those who pay attention to its presence.
The designs inside the blue jay are a floral double curve design, a Mi’kmaq Star, and a Mi’kmaq Hieroglyph for L’nu(meaning Indigenous).
The Mi’kmaq Star is an ancient petroglyph(carving in stone) which displays ‘Mi’kmaq Pride’ and unity amongst all the cultures of the world through the medicine wheel colours.
In Mi’kmaq Culture and Art, a single double curve design represents the life cycle of a person or living thing. The curve on the left represents youth; the centre of the curve middle age; and the curve on the right represents becoming a senior, or, an Elder. When each of curves are connected it resembles people holding hands to show cultural pride, community connectedness, unity, support, and people connecting, not only physically, but, spiritually as well.
In this drum, the blue jay knows that it is not larger than nature-it is a part of nature. The designs in the blue jay are the same as the ones outside, to show its spiritual connection to nature, its community, and all living things.