The Butterfly Energy Drum
Marcus Gosse
Acrylic on moosehide drum
14" diameter
This acrylic on Moosehide drum titled “The Butterfly Energy Drum” displays a burst of spiritual energy coming from the Butterfly(Mimikej). The appliqué pattern encircling the drum is an ancient Mi’kmaq petroglyph with a triangular design which represents water or the waves of the ocean. This design is commonly found beaded on Mi’kmaq women’s peaked hats. Women are the “keepers of water”, and peaked hats usually display various triangular patterns symbolizing water and ocean waves. The eyes of butterfly are blue which shows the butterfly embracing the ocean and waters of Mi’kma’ki(Mi’kmaq Territory). There are also appliqué designs and double curve designs in the butterfly, to remind us that if we truly embrace the beauty and energy of the land, waters, and all living things, we will understand that we are all connected.